To learn more or get involved with any of these ministries, please call the parish office at 781-344-2073 and be sure to leave a message with your name, contact information and what you're interested in.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the setup for Mass and the distribution of Communion, both the consecrated Hosts and the Chalice of the Blood of Christ. Eucharistic Ministers assist in the setup for Mass and purify and cleanse the communion vessels after the Mass. Eucharistic Ministers can also receive additional training to bring Communion to the sick.
From the very beginning, Christians have gathered together to hear the Word of God, and from the very beginning, there have been individuals entrusted with the task of reading the word. Lectors receive careful preparation and training so they may proclaim the 1st and 2nd readings in a clear manner that expresses the dignity of scripture. At Mass, along with proclaiming the Word of God, they also read the general intercessions. A lector should be comfortable speaking in public and is responsible to study and prepare the readings in advance.
Altar Servers
Service at the Altar of God is a great honor. Adults, teens, and children in the 4th grade serve at our Masses. Training is provided and new servers learn how to carry out specific tasks they will be responsible for during Mass. In the beginning new altar servers are scheduled with experienced servers until they are comfortable. Those who serve at the Altar of our Lord are serving not only the priest but your family, the whole Church community.
They are responsible for setting up the liturgical elements for Mass and they keep the church and articles used in the liturgies clean. This includes restocking candles and holy water; some light cleaning of the church, and washing of articles used in the liturgy. Sacristans serve on a rotating basis.
Ushers act as greeters, welcoming and assisting those arriving for Mass. They assist those using wheelchairs or walkers and take up collections. They also help reset the pews at the conclusion of Mass.