Adult Funeral Servers
This ministry is part of the pastoral care of our parish to those who have lost a love one. When a member of Christ’s Body dies, we, the faithful, are called to offer consolation to those who are suffering a loss. Funeral Servers offer support not only with serving the Mass and the ritual of the funeral liturgy but also through their prayerful presence during the liturgical celebration. We have a growing group of people who have stepped forward for training. If you have available mid-mornings and are interested in serving on the altar please consider this ministry.
Grief Support Group
Parishioners who have experienced the loss of a loved one are warmly invited to register for a grief support group sponsored by our Ministry of Consolation.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
As part of our Ministry of Consolation, we would like to be able to offer prayerfully knitted or crocheted prayer shawls to those in the parish who are seriously ill or experiencing the loss of a loved one.