Parish Membership Form: If you would like to become a member of our parishes please click here to complete a parish membership form. Please return it the next time you're at Mass or drop it off at the parish office.
Weekly Parish Newsletter: Join our email list and stay updated on all our events and receive messages from our Pastor Father Carlos by signing up for Flocknote. Click here to sign-up for Flocknote.
For More Information about our collaborative and our programs:
Call the parish office at 781-344-2073
Email us at [email protected]
"There is nothing more important in this world than getting my family into Heaven. The journey can be very difficult, but being part of a robust parish community like our Stoughton collaborative reaffirms that we are not alone on the path. Everyone is very welcoming and supportive making it a great place for young families."- Joe Doran
Welcome! - Bem-Vindos!
Peace and blessings!
At our Stoughton Catholic Parishes, we strive to live lives steeped in the fullness of the Catholic faith. We are nourished by the Word of God, participation in the sacramental life of the Church, and service to our neighbors, whether they are here in Stoughton or further afield. We are a multilingual and multicultural community, worshiping primarily in English and Portuguese. All are welcome!
We welcome you to come to join us whether you are a cradle Catholic, whether you have wandered away from the Church for a time, or whether this may be your first time ever setting foot inside a Church.
We hope that in our parishes you will find a place here where you belong, a place where you can cultivate your gifts and discover God’s abundant and merciful love.
Rev. Carlos D. Suarez
Pastor of St. James &
Immaculate Conception
Para ver esta página em português clique aqui
Mass Schedule: We offer Daily and Weekend Masses in both English and Portuguese. Please click here for our daily and weekend mass schedule.
Confession: We offer Confession weekly at both our churches. It is available at St. James Wednesday Nights from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm and Saturdays at Immaculate Conception from 12:00 pm-1:30 pm. It is also available by appointment.
Sacramental Life:
Baptism is received as an infant but may be received at any age. First Communion is ordinarily received in the second grade as part of the Religious Education program. Confirmation is received in the tenth grade as part of the Religious Education program. Both our First Communion and Confirmation programs are 2-year programs.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Are you or is someone you know a Catholic adult who never received his or her Confirmation? Are you or is someone you know an adult who comes to Church but isn’t Catholic and would like to be? If so, then RCIA might be for you! Click here to learn more about our RCIA program.
Marriage: Matrimony is a Sacrament of Vocation. It sets a couple apart to live the Gospel message of Christ by building up his Church. For couples interested in being married at either St. James or Immaculate Conception please click here to learn more about having your wedding at one of our churches.
Eucharistic Adoration: The Eucharist is the center of the Christian life. In the Eucharist, Christ comes to encounter and nourish us. We receive Him when we come to communion at at our parishes we also belive in the importance of spending time in prayer before the Eucharist. We offer Eucharistic Adoration at both of our Churches. It is available at St. James Wednesday Nights from 6:30 pm-8:00 pm and Saturdays at Immaculate Conception from 12:00 pm-1:30 pm.
iThirst: For individuals and families affected by the scourge of addiction, the Catholic Parishes of Stoughton offer iTHIRST Spiritual Companionship (ITSC) ministry, to provide both spiritual companionship, consolation, and recovery resource information to our brothers and sisters in need. Please click here for more information about our iThirst ministry.
Haitian Prayer Group:
The Haitian Prayer Group meets on Saturdays from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at Immaculate Conception Parish Hall.
For more information about our ministries click HERE!