Pregnancy Help is a pregnancy resource enter sponsored by the Archdiocese of Boston to provide alternatives to abortion.
Trained and caring nurses and case workers are available to assist any woman experiencing a difficult pregnancy.
Pregnancy Help provides free pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, referrals, material assistance and ongoing support. All services are free, confidential and available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
For assistance:
Call - 888-771-3914
Text - 617-903-7960
Email - [email protected]
Goals: The Respect Life Committee is a ministry of the Catholic Parishes of Stoughton dedicated to protecting and valuing God’s gift of life from the moment of conception to natural death. Our mission is fed by prayer and the desire to serve all of God’s people as we promote the sacredness of life. We will work to achieve our mission through education, witness and civic awareness.
Conversion: Recommitting ourselves every day to Jesus
Education: Publicize, print (newspaper/Church bulletin), social media, website, speakers, materials/resources, parish religious education, youth ministry
Witness: Prayer (general intercessions), Rosary (at monument), Holy Hour for Life, love, compassion, outreach, volunteers
Civics: Phone calls, voting awareness
Join our Respect Life Committee - Men and youth are especially invited.
Donations - An annual Baby Shower solicits new baby items for parents in financial need, but donations are welcome anytime.
Contact your Legislator - See link to Mass. Citizens for Life.
Prayer - Please supports our mission through prayer for expectant parents in difficult circumstances, and for healing for those who have had an abortion.
“Project Rachel helped me so much in dealing with the shame that I have felt over 40 years. The retreat gave me hope. I now know that I can once again be active in my faith.”
Many women suffer from the pain of a past abortion. The Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston provides confidential support for post-abortion hope and healing through its one-day retreats and referrals to specially trained priests for sacramental Reconciliation (confession).
For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508-651-3100 or [email protected]
Pregnant and parenting students may wish to ask a school nurse or counselor to contact one of our parishes for confidential assistance. You may contact either parish directly with specific needs.
Expectant parents whose present circumstances make parenting difficult may wish to consider arranging for their baby to be adopted. Parents have options for continued contact if they wish. Ask your obstetrician /midwife for an agency referral to obtain more information about this loving choice.
This method of fertility awareness for postponing pregnancy is approved by the Church and easy to learn. It has been used successfully by many couples who are open to having children but wish to plan timing of conception or limit the size of their families. This method is also useful for those trying to conceive. There are no pills or contraceptive devices involved.
Several states in the US now allow physician-assisted suicide. Follow alerts on pending legislation about physician assisted suicide. We must be vigilant to uphold the sacredness of human life in serious illness and in the dying process. Church teaching affirms that God, the Author of Life, awaits us at the natural end of this earthly life. We are obliged to obtain ordinary medical care to extend life, but not to indefinitely prolong the process of death or have the burden of extraordinary medical care when it will not bring better health. Hospital chaplains can be helpful in providing guidance. Designating a Health Care Proxy and discussing wishes before a medical crisis can assist both loved ones and providers.